03 Sermons and Fellowship About God’s Word “How to Know the God on Earth”(VI)

Some people say, “How many years do I have to pursue the truth in order to attain an understanding of God? I have yet to attain the truth. If the tricks and rumors of Satan come upon me, what should I do?” Is this problem easy to tackle? Let me tell you the truth. If you firmly believe that Almighty God is the incarnate God and He has begun to speak and appear at work, then no matter what Satan says, first, do not listen. Say no to Satan. Second, you say, “Even if what you say is all true, I cannot deny God. I still accept God’s work.” Is this true faith? Why is it so? Don’t look at this statement as very ordinary. The meaning therein is deep! Take a thousand steps back and say, “Even if what Satan says is true, Almighty God is God. He is still God appearing at work. Why don’t I accept Him? Even if what the devil Satan says is true, it cannot be denied that He is the incarnate God, that this is God’s judgment work in the last days.” Is it correct to say this? You all say yes. “Even if it is all true in what you say about the Church of Almighty God kidnapping people and cutting off their noses and ears, Almighty God is still God’s appearance at work. Even if there are those kinds of people in the church, God is real. My faith resides in God, not people of the church. Which church does not have wicked people and non-believers in its mix? Which church is not mixed with false leaders and antichrists? Every church has them. But it is God whom I believe in.” This is what a person with true faith says. Some people are purely ridiculous. When a wicked person appears in the church, they would say, “I no longer believe in Almighty God because there are wicked people in the church.” When some people discovered the presence of antichrists in the church, they said, “I don’t believe any more. How can there be antichrists in the church? The presence of antichrists should not be found in the true God’s work.” When some people were arrested by the great red dragon, they said, “I don’t believe any more. If God was real, why couldn’t He destroy the great red dragon?” What do all these things have to do with God? What do they have to do with your belief in God? Nothing at all. It is God who is behind all these arrangements. When you believe in God, God is the One you believe in. What does it have to do with these matters? When someone felt alienated because I spoke too sternly to him, he said, “I don’t believe in Almighty God anymore. The brother spoke so harshly to me. He didn’t show any love. I don’t believe anymore.” What do the way I treated you, and whether I have love or not, have to do with your belief in God? I am not the one you believe in. Why are you so irrational? Am I right or wrong? You can’t doubt God no matter what Satan says. Was the incarnation of God a rumor to you? Was the truth expressed by God a lie to you? All of these are true. Can you spell out the truth expressed by God? Who can spell it out? Not anyone in the religious circle. Forget about the great red dragon. The incarnation of God is real. The word appearing in the flesh is real. The truth expressed by God is real. The judgment work of God in the last days is real. Millions of people are experiencing it. Even if the rumors made up by Satan were true, could you still deny the fact of God’s work or the truth expressed by God incarnate? You couldn’t. What Satan said has nothing to do with God. Nor does it have anything to do with God’s work. They are totally unrelated. Like a Chinese idiom says, “Can’t touch it with a pole.”

Suppose there is someone who really recognizes Almighty God is the second coming of the Lord Jesus and God’s appearance at work in the last days, and Satan says to him, “The Church of Almighty God is a criminal enterprise that has been convicted by the Communist Party as a cult.” He will retort, “Oh, what does the conviction of a cult have to do with my belief in Almighty God? You wouldn’t dare to say that Almighty God is not God, would you? I challenge the Communist Party to tell me, isn’t Almighty God the incarnate God? Would you dare to deny it? Would you dare to say that the truth expressed by Almighty God is not the truth? If you would, why don’t you try to express something about the truth? Pastors and elders of the religious circle, you keep denying Almighty God. Can you express anything about the truth? What are you babbling about when you can’t express anything about the truth?” Some people made up a lot of rumors about Christ. They made up a lot of rumors about me too. There are those who are confused, “Is it true?” For argument’s sake, would you still believe in Almighty God if the rumors were true? Those of you who say, “If the rumors were true, I would still believe,” please raise your hands. Everybody did. What about those who wouldn’t believe anymore if the rumors were true? No one raised his hand. Why did you still raise your hands if you felt the rumors were true? Someone says it has nothing to do with God. That’s right. These rumors have nothing to do with God and God’s work. Someone has written a book saying that the Lord Jesus had a wife and children. Do you still believe in the Lord Jesus? You all say yes. Why do you still believe? Someone cannot accept it, he thinks, “The Lord Jesus should not have been married. He was God incarnate to do redemptive work, to be crucified. Why did He have a wife and children? If the Lord Jesus had had a wife and children, I would not believe in Him anymore.” Is this a valid idea? You all say no. Why not? Whether the Lord Jesus had a wife or children, He is still God incarnate who has accomplished the work of redemption. This is undeniable. Whether He had a wife or children is irrelevant to God’s redemptive work. These are two separate matters. It is neither a sin nor a crime to get married and have children. It is normal humanity ordained by God. Isn’t this what it is about? After creating Adam, God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone.” So God made him a help meet named Eve. Adam and Eve were the progenitors of mankind. They propagated mankind. You see, marriage was ordained by God. Over five thousand years, from the eight survivors of the annihilating deluge in Noah’s time, to the population of seven billion people nowadays, how many folds has mankind multiplied? From eight people to seven billion in five thousand years. Wasn’t it preordained by God? Is it a sin to get married and have children? Has God ever condemned it? Is there any proof of God’s condemnation, words of God’s condemnation? None. If you could get married and have children, but only the Lord Jesus was not allowed to do so, what kind of logic is it? The notion that it is a God-given right for you to get married and have children but a sin for the Lord Jesus to do so is entirely your weird idea and illogic, isn’t it? Is this a justifiable rule on the Lord? You all say no.

How should man face the fallacies, nonsense and lies of Satan? First, deny them, reject them. Say no to Satan. Second, whether its lies are consistent with your notion or not, they have nothing to do with the appearance, work and incarnation of God. There is no contradiction at all. Isn’t it what this is about? Then why did some say this after listening to Satan’s lies, “I don’t believe in God anymore. God is false”? It was all because of the nonsense uttered by Satan that they denied God incarnate, along with the truth expressed by God and the judgment work of God in the last days. Someone says that “It is because God did that thing, so I don’t believe in Him. No matter how real, how practical and good are the things He accomplishes and the truth He expresses, I still don’t believe.” Isn’t this person absurd? Too absurd. Until one day God appears publicly and says, “You judged and defined Me, what was your problem? How dare you judge Me? It is how I acted and what I did. Am I not the truth? Is it a sin?” Do you dare to condemn God? Aren’t you courting death when you condemn God? The consequence of condemning God is annihilation and eternal perdition in hell, your soul being burnt in the lake of fire and brimstone for millennia. Look at the Israelites. What divine retribution befell them for crucifying the Lord Jesus? More than forty years later, a Roman general by the name of Tito led an army of one hundred thousand and destroyed Israel. The Israelites were forced into exile across the world for refuge! Then the Israelites beseeched God, “Why are we reduced to slaves in other nations? Why did our race face such unprecedented plight? Why didn’t You rescue us when our infants and children were being slaughtered? Why did You hide Your face from us?” By then, they were still trying to argue with God. “You deserve it!” God said that this is a well-deserved retribution for crucifying God! For your sin of convicting and crucifying the incarnate God, the kingdom of Israel would be destroyed for two thousand years. The people of Israel would be enslaved, slaughtered and subject to endless suffering, eternal suffering. Isn’t it divine retribution? Isn’t it the disposition of God? Nowadays, both the religious circle and the great red dragon are condemning Almighty God. When studying the true way and seeking the truth, many people stop and give up all when they hear the negative propaganda of the great red dragon and the confusing words of the religious circle. In the end, who will be accountable for the annihilation of these people’s souls? The culprits are the great red dragon and the religious circle. Therefore, God said the great red dragon and the religious pastors and elders are demons that devour human souls, and fiends that obstruct people’s investigation and pursuit of the true way! Why doesn’t God save these people then? God lets these people be ruined in order to convict the great red dragon, convict this age, and settle the score with the people of this age. Finally God said, I want to nail people of the whole world to the cross upside down. Since you crucified Christ, I will crucify you all! This is the disposition of God. Therefore, no matter how you resist God, He will not respond to you. Overtly, God does not seem angry. There is no visible sign or perceptible rumbling. You just wait. God never rushes at work. After the Israelites crucified the Lord Jesus, divine retribution didn’t come for another forty years. Wasn’t it so? Just as many evil people you see today. God simply ignores them initially, as if He doesn’t see or pay attention to them. God has His own arrangement and timing. When their sins mount to a breaking point, like straws being piled on a camel’s back, divine retribution will deal them a crushing blow. Isn’t divine retribution starting to take a toll on the great red dragon? Infighting is emerging within the Communist Party. The more crackdown leveled against corrupt officials, the more intense and explosive the infighting will become, and chaos will follow. Isn’t it so? Chaos will reign when divine retribution comes. As the sayings go, “What goes around comes around. You reap what you sow. Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven. It is only a matter of time.” The words of Revelation will be fulfilled when divine retribution comes: “My reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be” (Rev 22:12). Is there any divine retribution going on today? Do you see it clearly? Divine retribution is the evidence of God’s dominance and righteousness. Do you agree?

Right now, how should people know the God on earth so that they no longer do evil and resist God? What is the purpose of God expressing so much truth? It can be put in this way: It is so that mankind can know God. Someone said, “Isn’t it for the purpose of cleansing and saving mankind?” Yes, they mean the same thing. Could it be that these two are contradictory? By what means can the purification and salvation of mankind be achieved? The two can be achieved through knowing of God. Can you be purified if you do not know Him? Can you be saved if you do not know Him? Can you obey God if you do not know Him? Can you worship God if you do not know Him? If you do not know God, everything else that you say is empty. Isn’t this the case? Now, with regard to knowing God, what is the basic principle that you must focus on? You must eat and drink and experience God’s word. Only in this way would you be able to understand the truth, isn’t this so? Every time we gather, we read a passage of God’s word. We have fellowship after we finish reading. It does not matter how many times we have fellowship about a particular passage of God’s word. The more we have fellowship, the better. It is definitely not okay to not have enough fellowship. If we have fellowship in this way, we can understand some truths. When people do not know God, what must they do at least? What is the basic principles that they must possess? First, do not believe in the lies of Satan. Second, never define God. Defining God is a mistake. To define God is to resist God. Defining God provokes His anger! All those who define God are people who do not know God. Why is it that you are able to accept Satan’s suggestions? That is because you are always defining God. If you do not define God, regardless of what Satan says, you will not believe the things it says, and the matter is settled. Once you accept Satan’s suggestions, once you define God, Satan’s lies will take effect in your heart. Isn’t this related to man’s conceptions and defining God? People have their conceptions and imaginations originally, but they do not necessarily produce their own conceptions in all matters. However, once their conceptions and imaginations delimit God, they will produce real conceptions soon after. Notice how every person who has their own conceptions and imagination defines God, “God would not do this. God would not do that. God would definitely do this. From my point of view, I think God would do this.” Isn’t this an example of defining God? Once you define God, if what He does is not in accordance with your definition, and if what He does is not the same as what you imagine, you will come up with your own conceptions. After finishing reading a book, some people will say, “Did Jesus marry and have children? Oh no, is the Jesus that I believe in actually God? Is He still the Lord? I am not going to believe if this is really so. This is not right. I cannot read the Bible anymore. I must investigate the matter of Jesus marrying and having children. Once I finished my investigation, I will make a decision as to whether or not I believe.” What kind of problem is this? Isn’t this the result of someone defining God and then producing their own conceptions? If you do not define God, these are the questions that you should be asking: “The Lord Jesus married and had children? This was not recorded in the Bible. It did not mention anything on this. Even if He married and had children, so what? Wasn’t He God incarnate? Could it be that the work He did is no longer valid? No way. There is no relationship between the Lord Jesus marrying and having children and His incarnation and His redemptive work. Also, according to God’s decree, marrying and having children is not a sin. This is an individual’s choice. God did not set any rules on this.” Isn’t this the case? In addition, did God say that God incarnate cannot marry and have children? God’s Spirit does not marry or have children, but He did not say God incarnate cannot do so. Now, why do you try to define God? Do you understand the truth of incarnation when you define God? Do you understand this mystery? Basically, you do not understand at all. That is why you can have conceptions but definitely not the truth. Isn’t this the case? Are your conceptions in accordance with God’s word and the truth? Why do you not seek the truth? When people have their own conceptions, why do they not seek a basis for them from within God’s word? Isn’t this a problem?

Some people doubt God. What do they doubt about Him? God reveals a few of the main conceptions that man has, as follows: “You speculate whether God can be like man: unpardonably sinful, of petty character, without fairness and reason, lacking a sense of righteousness, employing measures of malice, treachery, and cunning, as well as being pleased by evil and darkness, and so on.” There are six doubts in all. What kind of people are the people who have these six kinds of doubts? These are the most cunning people. How can we describe them in vernacular? Aren’t the most cunning people devils? The devil has been telling lies from the beginning. These most cunning people are pure devils, classic devils! Would God acknowledge the faith of those who have these kinds of doubts about Him? Can God save and perfect them? He definitely, 100% cannot! The hearts of those who have these six kinds of doubts are quite evil. If they surmise that God is this bad, then it is over for them. These people’s hearts are evil. Look, what do some people say? “Can the man used by the Holy Spirit embezzle money? The world’s government officials are corrupt. Isn’t he corrupt as well? The world’s government officials play around with many women. Doesn’t he also play around with women? The world’s government officials abuse their power. They promote their own trusted aides and friends. Isn’t he also capable of this?” These people imagine that I am capable of doing the same things as the world’s government officials. What kind of people are they? You all say that they are cunning people. Why don’t they think that perhaps I am a little better than the world’s government officials? I am much better than these government officials. Why don’t they think a little better of me? Why do they think that I am equivalent to the world’s government officials? What kind of problem is this? Isn’t this evil? It is not right to use a vile person’s heart to measure people. Are all people exactly the same? People are quite different, and there are many ways in which they differ. Although their corrupt dispositions are the same, their characters are not the same. Their natures have differences. Some people love the truth. Others do not love the truth and instead like and advocate evil. Are we on the same path as the officials of the great red dragon? We are not on the same path as them. Why are we not on the same path? What we accept is the truth. The path on which we walk is the proper path of life. They, on the other hand, walk the path of the devil. They walk the way of the official’s career. Do we share a common language with them? We do not share a common language with them. If people in God’s family have these six kinds of doubts about God, it indicates that they are very evil and treacherous. They do not believe that God incarnate carries uncorrupted humanity. They do not believe that the man used by God loves the truth and is an upright person. This is very treacherous; these people are suspicious of everybody. Isn’t this someone who resists God the most? God has exposed these people. These are most cunning people. This is one aspect of the situation. What is the other aspect? God said, “Such manner of faith is nothing short of sin!” It is nothing short of sin. They are done for. God does not save these people. Do you understand?

Presently, I notice that there are quite a few people who would believe God no matter what He says. They are especially pious. Whatever God says, they cooperate with Him. Even if God exposes people’s dispositions or hits the nail on the head when He exposes people, they say Amen and obey; they are happy and do not look anxious. That is why God likes these people when He sees them and says that they are people who truly believe in Him. Some people have a suspicious look in their eyes after they see God. Their eyes are fixed when they see God. It is as if they are saying “Who is this?” Their eyes have a look as if they see God as a stranger. “What kind of person is this? Is He like this? Could this be God?” What kind of person is this? Do they have a normal human nature? No, they do not. Their hearts are full of doubt, so they definitely have that kind of expression in their eyes. For some people, when God saw them, He told me, “Look, this is the first time I have seen these people, but when I see them, I feel as if they are the people in God’s family. It’s as if I have known them for years. They are not unfamiliar at all. These people are good people. They are predestined by God. That person next to them is not good, I feel as if he is a stranger. He stares with fixed gazes as if he harbors doubts. Judging from his eyes, he is somewhat merciless. On seeing him, you would think that he is perhaps an unbeliever. He is not a true believer. His attitude is not normal.” Is there a difference here? There is a difference. If you are able to doubt God, then it is over. This attitude is not good; you are too cunning. When hearing or seeing God express the truth, most people will say, “This is the reality of the truth. God is definitely the best and most kind-hearted person!” If He was not the best and most kind-hearted person, how could He express so much truth? How could He manifest so much of God’s disposition and all that God has and is? This is definitely the best kind of man. Can evil people express the truth? Religionists also cannot express it. The great red dragon is even more demonic, and so, how can it express the truth? Everything it says is a lie. It tells lies without batting an eyelid. That is why when kind-hearted people and relatively honest people hear the truth, they believe. “I do not believe Satan the devil. I firmly believe in God. I can see that God is most kind-hearted and the best. I can also see that the man used by God is definitely not bad.” If you cannot believe in such a kind of person or the man who is testified to by God, who can you believe then? Could it be that you would believe your mother and father? Are your mother and your father reliable? Can they lead you back to God? Can they guide you to know God? Can they lead you to the kingdom of heaven? There are some people whose faith is very good. “I believe in God. I believe the man used by the Holy Spirit. I do not believe my mother or my father.” This is correct. This is a good faith. Since your mother and your father do not have the truth, they would still be considered part of the corrupt mankind however good they may be. Some people do not believe in God but in their mother, their father and themselves instead. They do not believe in God or His word. What kind of problem is this? They do not even believe in God and always have doubts about God. Sometimes God would communicate the truth to certain people. When they hear it, they reply, “Oh no, the person sitting beside God does not treat me well. I will listen to whether or not he says anything bad about me to God. I will listen to what God has to say and how He treats this person. If God treats him well, I will have my own perspectives about that, for I am very disgusted with him. I will see what kind of people God likes. Does He like people who flatter and fawn, people who use flattery to get what they want? If He likes them, then God is not much different from the leaders of the world!” What kind of person is this? Do they have a problem? Look how sneaky and secretive they are. One look and you can tell that they are a treacherous person. They do not have a normal human nature and do not believe in God. If we have genuine faith in God, we would obey God no matter what His arrangements are. Even if God allows us to die and go to hell, we would still obey. We would not even question Him. This is true faith. You do not have faith, you are always studying, doubting and putting up defenses against God. Isn’t living like this very tiring? Would you achieve the salvation of God if you are living like this? You would definitely not. All those in God’s family who are always doubting and suspecting God cannot be saved. They are not people who love the truth. They do not even believe in God. Who would you say that they can believe in? They are suspicious of even God. Who would they not be suspicious of? These are very troublesome people.

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